
The Julie Patel Foundation (JPF) is a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) registered charity established in 2018 by Julie and Ahmed Patel’s three children, and 6 grandchildren, in memory of their beloved parents and grandparents’ commitment to education. Julie and Ahmed, born and raised in apartheid South Africa did not have an opportunity to go to university, but valued education and believed education was a path to helping those less fortunate forge a path to a better life for themselves and their families. The JPF has created several endowed scholarships and bursaries supporting students with financial need attending post-secondary institutions.

Since inauguration the JPF has established endowment funds of $300,000 at McMaster University, $100,000 at Toronto Metropolitan University, and $200,000 at the University of Toronto.

The JPF partnered with McMaster University, Toronto Metropolitan University, and the University of Toronto to secure matching funds from each of these universities, creating a total of $600,000 in combined endowments. The income generated from these endowments is distributed annually as a scholarship or bursary. The students are selected by the University and the awards are used to offset costs, including tuition. These scholarships and bursaries will be awarded in perpetuity.

The Foundation also accepts applications directly from individual students and has granted 10 awards since inception. These awards have been granted to students studying at Toronto Metropolitan University, McMaster University, The University of Toronto, and The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

The Foundation will continue to raise funds and establish collaborations with post-secondary institutions in Canada to support students with financial need.


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